Criminal Law Blog

All contents on this page with friendly support of Kingsley Napley (UK).

Market abuse letters - an increasingly used tool

25.06.2024 | Maintaining the integrity and cleanliness of the financial markets remains a key FCA priority and, indeed, is a statutory legal obligation on the regulator. Against that, however, is...

Tackling the regulation of sexually explicit deepfakes

24.06.2024 | Artificial intelligence, and its use on social media, is making it continuously harder to distinguish between real and fake information online. Although fact checking is often required when...

FCA's Anti-Greenwashing Rule Takes Effect: What It Means for Compliance and ESG Accountability

13.06.2024 | The FCA’s long awaited anti-greenwashing rule came into force on 31 May 2024. This rule is part of the wider Sustainability Disclosure Requirements regime and reflects the FCA’s...

I am the victim of sextortion - what should I do?

09.06.2024 | Sextortion is a form of blackmail where victims receive threats that intimate images of them will be shared or distributed unless they meet the blackmailer’s demands to pay...

Reframing justice: the SFO's new strategic vision 2024-2029

27.05.2024 | The SFO's five-year strategy under Nick Ephgrave's leadership prioritises technological integration and global collaboration to combat serious crime

Disclosure under the microscope

07.05.2024 | Mr Jonathan Fisher KC’s ongoing Independent Review of Disclosure & Fraud Offences recently published its “Preliminary Findings & Direction of Travel” report for part one of the review,...

FCA’s plan to “name and shame” firms should be urgently reconsidered

06.05.2024 | The FCA’s recent consultation (CP24/2) on changes to its enforcement process has provoked what appears to be unanimous opposition from government and industry bodies. Of particular concern is...

Whistleblower protection and proposals for reform

16.04.2024 | When an individual raises concerns regarding suspected wrongdoing, important legal considerations arise for organisations: it can lead to an internal investigation, the interest of regulatory authorities or litigation....

Greenwashing enforcement is not going away

15.04.2024 | For many years, companies have been selling or promoting products under claims that they have high ethical, social and governance (ESG) and/or sustainability credentials. In many cases, these...

Punishing difference: why are neurodivergent children disproportionately punished by our education and youth justice systems?

14.04.2024 | The inescapable conclusions is that there is something inherent within our education and youth justice systems that punishes difference.

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