VAT, excise duty and customs duty
Preparation/checking of VAT return
We prepare or check VAT returns prepared by clients in order to ensure conformity with the Slovak tax legislation.
Tax planning
Within the provision of tax planning services we strive, in co-operation with a client’s employees, to arrive at alternatives for performing client’s business transactions with the aim to optimise tax burden from the perspective of VAT, excise duty and customs duty.
Tax review
Based on the tax review of VAT and excise duty, all significant transactions or transactions as determined by the client performed during the reviewed period are checked. The review results in identification of those transactions or methods that are ineffective or could lead to penalties being imposed by the tax authorities. As a consequence of such reviews, we are in a position to recommend suitable solution for identified risks and disadvantageous methods.
VAT refund for foreign entrepreneurs
The Slovak tax system enables, under certain conditions, to apply for a refund of the VAT paid by foreign entrepreneurs (an individual or a legal entity) in the Slovak Republic. Similarly, foreign tax systems enable to ask for a refund of the VAT paid by Slovak VAT payers abroad.
The VAT refund process is time-consuming and administratively demanding, and requires in-depth knowledge of the relevant regulations and procedures in particular country. Within the scope of our services, we will arrange for a refund of VAT in the Slovak Republic or abroad for our clients.