12.03.2025 | By 31 July 2025, companies and legal entities must provide details for the UBO register (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) in Norway. Who exactly has to register? What exceptions are...
10.03.2025 | With a new law, Luxembourg is improving corporate mobility. This is a milestone in Luxembourg company law and strengthens the country's position as a hub for cross-border corporate...
03.03.2025 | From 20th – 22nd February, Ecovis partners gathered in Asunción, Paraguay, for the 12th ECOVIS Regional Partner Meeting of the Americas. Der Beitrag 12th ECOVIS Regional Partner Meeting...
28.02.2025 | Ecovis is ready to support you in all areas related to ESG and consulting. Click here to send us an email and start assessing your readiness for your...
25.02.2025 | In recent years, Uruguay’s real estate market has experienced significant growth driven by various factors, notably the promotion and encouragement of investments in this sector. These initiatives have...
19.02.2025 | For US citizens living in France or receiving income from French sources, managing their tax obligations can be complex. The Ecovis experts explain the cross-border tax rules. Der...
17.02.2025 | If a natural person who is subject to unlimited tax liability in Germany gives up his or her domestic residence or habitual abode in Germany, he or she...
17.02.2025 | In Mexico, foreigners are prohibited from acquiring direct ownership over land and water, so they solely can use and take advantage of real estate located in the restricted...
14.02.2025 | Foreign companies with representative offices in Vietnam must ensure that their representative office (RO) license is always up to date. Otherwise, they face high fines and business activities...
12.02.2025 | With the introduction of Law No. 7524, Türkiye has added the section “Local and Global Minimum Supplementary Corporate Tax” to the Corporate Data Law No. 5520. This regulates...