Dimitar Andonovski

Dimitar Andonovski

Certified Auditor, Partner and Manager

He has graduated on the Faculty of Economics at the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “- Skopje in 1974 year. He is Certified Auditor with certificate no. 56 issued by CAOARM; licensed expert in the field of material accounting and financial operations with license no. 07-2521 issued by the Ministry of Justice; certified appraiser for the value of capital of the companies and for receivables and payables, member of the Institute of Certified Auditors of the Republic of North Macedonia (ICARM). He has work experience of over 40 years, of which 35 in the field of auditing, financial and accounting consulting and court expertise. He is also a member of the Ethics Committee at ICARM.

Email: dimitar.andonovski@ecovis.mk