Develop your business
These services are designed to create long term value for your business. The aim is to get people away from working ‘in’ their businesses to start thinking about working ‘on’ them, developing them, creating efficiencies and growing their businesses.
Business Plan & Strategy Development
A great business planning process gets to the heart and soul of your business. The outcome of this service is to identify and prioritise goals, both short term and long term, create strategies to achieve your goals and to establish a 90 day action plan to address immediate and critical issues. Any time is a good time to complete a business plan or to review your current strategies.
Business Coaching
As a business owner you can at times feel alone and unsupported, spending little time working on your business and trapped in the day to day technical aspects. The purpose of business coaching is to provide you with accountability and support to keep you moving towards your desired target. We will ensure that your business objectives and strategies remain in the frame when decisions are made.
KPI Development, Measurement & Reporting
Key performance indicators, (KPIs) enable you to have a greater understanding of your business and its key drivers. The better you understand your business, the easier it will be to increase your profits and free up cash flow. KPIs need to reflect your objectives and strategies. We are able to assist with establishing these key drivers, how they are measured and then reported so that they provide a good understanding of the business for your key decisions & making improvements.
Organisational Structure Review
Many businesses do not have absolute clarity around their team’s defined roles and responsibilities. This often results in owners wearing too many ‘hats’, meaning they have precious little time to spend on high-level activities that create real value for the business. An Organisation Review will help you to build a functional organisation chart, visually defining departments, functions, roles and responsibilities. We will help you to structure your business so that it is more sustainable, scalable, and, ultimately, saleable.
Financial Forecasting and Budgeting
They say that cash is like oxygen and profit is like food to a business. You cannot survive without either so keeping track of each is important especially for decision making. We are able to assist you in developing an annual budget, reporting on this on a regular basis to project your future forecasted cash and profit position using rolling budgets & forecasts.
Financial Awareness Training
Having an understanding of your financials and what they mean is critical to operating a business. We run group seminars to go through the basics of; a Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement, the difference between cash and profit and terms like gross margin etc. If you are after something more advanced we offer one on one personal training sessions.
Cloud Computing & Business Management
Cloud computing is on the rise especially in the business sector. The cloud lets you use computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones to access your business information – seamlessly, securely and in real time. It allows you to access your data and operate at anytime from anywhere. We can help you to review your current processes and offer solutions on how cloud computing could assist you to deliver efficiencies in your operations.
Xero Implementation & Integration
Xero is a cloud based accounting package that allows you to track your financial data on a real time basis anywhere, anytime. It provides solutions for payroll, inventory, invoicing, creditors, bank reconciliations and instant reporting. We have a team of Xero experts who can assist you with the implementation and integration of Xero into your business. For more information on Xero check out www.xero.com.