Supplier sustainability self-assessment questionnaire by ECOVIS Proventus Law: How sustainable are you?
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are reporting that their larger value chain partners and finance providers are increasingly asking for sustainability data to fulfil regulatory requirements. The experts at ECOVIS ProventusLaw explain what this means for SMEs and what to expect.
Most SMEs are out of the scope of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). However, its indirect impact on small businesses – which often operate with limited know-how and resources – is still significant. Some SMEs are aware of this and proactively take steps to adapt their businesses. At the same time, many others are unsure about which expectations to meet and what standards or criteria to follow.
When you fill out the questionnaire, we will provide constructive answers and recommendations for improvement.Inga Karulaityte, Partner, Attorney at Law, ECOVIS ProventusLaw, Vilnius, Lithuania
Clarifying sustainability maturity allows a company to contribute actively to sustainability goals and to ensure that its operations are up-to-date.
CSRD: Also a subject for SMEs
Up to now, only large companies have had to comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. However, small and medium-sized companies are increasingly having to provide sustainability data to their clients so that they can meet their legal obligations. To achieve this, ECOVIS ProventusLaw has developed a Sustainable Supplier Questionnaire which can help businesses assess their impact on the environment and where improvements are possible.
It is worth assessing the questions that each company can expect from its larger partners. Such questions help larger companies to understand their suppliers and the impact on the sustainability of the goods and services they purchase.
For further information please contact:
Inga Karulaityte, Partner, Attorney at Law, ECOVIS ProventusLaw, Vilnius, Lithuania
Email: inga.karulaityte@ecovis.lt