

You enjoy being creative – we have something in common!

We speak of active creative consultation with good reason.

With a fair helping of creativity, the tax adviser can guide their client safely follow through the jungle of rules and regulations. This requires in-depth analyses of all areas. And where matters of tax overlap with legal and economic factors, one must be able to access the appropriate specialist knowledge.

We provide expert advice on a range of services, including:

  • National and International fiscal arrangements and tax planning (corporate, employees, private)
  • Advice on purchase and sale of companies, mergers, joint ventures, management buy-outs and buy ins
  • National and international tax optimisation
  • Advice on initial public offering
  • National and international succession planning (corporate and private)
  • Representation before public authorities and fiscal courts
  • Tax due diligence
  • Privatisation
  • Financial reorganisation
  • Business succession
  • Financing and investment banking
    • investment appraisal
    • venture capital negotiations
    • financial planning
  • Advice to public administration and public sector businesses
  • Organisation advice
    • advice on restructuring
    • outsourcing
    • interim management

and much more