Legal Services

Legal Services

You want to obtain your rights – we’re here to help!

The global market, with its diverse sectors and areas of law, presents a multitude of prospects and risks. A connected perspective is therefore essential for businesses seeking to achieve their objectives while mitigating risks.

As part of the global ECOVIS network, we provide end-to-end legal services that include legal insights and compliance, business understanding and technological innovation. Our services are designed to help you anticipate and seize new opportunities for your business.

Nationally and internationally, our one-stop-shop concept ensures comprehensive support in legal, fiscal, managerial, and administrative matters. At ECOVIS, you can rely on our team of qualified specialists, and on the specific industry and national know-how of all ECOVIS experts worldwide.

Our list of services include:

  • Commercial and corporate law
  • Private international law
  • Advice on initial public offering
  • National and international contract law
  • Competition law
  • Company incorporation
  • Industrial property protection
  • Law due diligence
  • Matters of management, executive and supervisory board
  • Advice on purchase and sale of companies, mergers, joint ventures, management buy-outs and buy ins
  • Employment and business immigration
  • Data protection
  • Family law
  • National and international inheritance law
  • Insolvency law
  • Planning laws and building regulations/real estate law
  • Criminal law
  • Conduct of cases

and much more