Investment incentives in Greece: benefits for many industries
Greece is aiming to promote investment projects and boost the economy with incentives such as tax exemptions or subsidies for personnel costs. The funded measures include, for example, digitalisation projects, investments in sustainable tourism or company environmental and climate protection projects.
The Greek parliament has approved the Ministry of Development and Investment’s new legislation to support dynamic growth in Greece. The underlying act aims to promote economic development in Greece by granting incentives to investment projects in the following categories:
- Digital and technological transformation of enterprises
- Green transition, environmental business upgrade
- New business
- Fair development transition
- Research and applied innovation
- Agri-food, primary production and processing of agricultural and fisheries products
- Processing and logistics
- Reinforcement of the extraversion in entrepreneurship/entrepreneurs
- Investment in the enhancement of tourism
- Alternative forms of tourism
- European value chains
- 360° entrepreneurship
The main investment incentives provided by the law are:With the Greek government’s investment incentives, the country is becoming even more interesting for investors.Dimitrios Leventakis, Managing Director, ECOVIS HELLAS L.T.D., Athens, Greece
- Tax exemption
- State funding
- Subsidies for financial credit
- Subsidies towards the costs of jobs created
- Corporate risk financing
The new regulations and investment incentives are aimed at domestic and foreign investors wishing to invest in business activities in the country, explain the Ecovis experts. The implementation is expected to bring significant benefit to the Greek economy, especially given the great interest in investing in production facilities in Greece. It is predicted that private chartered auditors will oversee the qualifying projects in order to speed up the relevant procedures.
For further information please contact:
Dimitrios Leventakis, Managing Director, ECOVIS HELLAS L.T.D., Athens, Greece
Email: dimitrios.leventakis@ecovis.gr