Hungary: White Card for digital nomads
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Hungary: White Card for digital nomads

3 min.

The new Hungarian immigration law came into force on January 1, 2024. The new provisions include previously known and new opportunities for expatriates wanting to live in Hungary, although the implementation of the law and practice are still evolving. Hungary issues a special residence permit for digital nomads, the White Card. The experts at Ecovis explain what it costs and how to apply for it.

Being a digital nomad would seem to mean a life of freedom. They typically work online as a freelancer and can do this from anywhere in the world. They are not tied to a specific location, do not have to go to the same office every day, and can earn money online from anywhere. This freedom usually comes with the opportunity to move from one country to another, to get to know the life and culture, without breaking any employment ties.

Where to apply for a Hungarian White Card?

The application can be submitted abroad or in Hungary. Those who do not have a residence permit and cannot enter Hungary without a visa must submit the application abroad at the Hungarian embassy. If there is no Hungarian embassy in their home country, those affected can submit the application in any country where they are legally resident. The application can be filed online via the Enter Hungary website, or in person at the office of the National Directorate of Foreigners.

How long is the White Card valid?

The White Card is valid for 1 year, renewable for another one year.

Do you want to live and work as a digital nomad in Hungary? We will support you in applying for the White Card.
György Zalavári, LL.M attorney at law, ECOVIS Zalavári Legal Hungary, Budapest, Hungary

What documents are needed for the White Card?

Applicants must provide a bank statement or a tax certificate to prove sufficient legal income, which should not be less than EUR 3000 net / month for the 6 months preceding entry. This level of income must be maintained for the duration of the stay in Hungary. Proof of ownership of residential property in Hungary or the right to use residential property under a tenancy or by courtesy is also required, as well as adequate health insurance.

Which third-country nationals can receive a White Card?

Any third-country national who is employed in another country or holds an ownership share in a company with proven profits in another country and who performs his/her work or manages his/her company from Hungary using an online, advanced digital technology solution.

Who qualifies as a third-country national?

A non-Hungarian citizen who is not entitled to free movement and residence in the European Union or who is not a national of the European Economic Area, or a member of his/her family, as well as a stateless person may be considered a third-country national for the purposes of the definition of digital nomad. The legislation also contains explicit and detailed prohibitions on the issuing of White Cards for specific situations (for example: a residence permit for studies or a traineeship).

Once a White Card has been issued, the digital nomad must take up residence in Hungary within 3 months or it will become invalid.

For further information please contact:

György Zalavári, LL.M attorney at law, ECOVIS Zalavári Legal Hungary, Budapest, Hungary

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György Zalavári
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