Ecovis is now offering legal services in Portugal
We are pleased to announce the addition of the prestigious Portuguese law firm RBMS – Rodrigues Bastos, Magalhães e Silva & Associados, Law Firm, SP, RL to our network.
RBMS – Member of ECOVIS International – is a law firm originated from the common practice of most of its partners for more than two decades. The firm is active in all relevant areas of law practice, with an emphasis on specialisation, and provides a full range of legal services before all jurisdictions and throughout the country, thanks to its own offices in Lisbon, Oporto, and in the Algarve. RBMS – Member of ECOVIS International – currently incorporates a team of about 40 persons including 12 partners.
“RBMS always rooted its legal practice with an international focus, being member of a network of law firms and establishing foreign desks at our office, and therefore, we are honoured and delighted to join the Ecovis family, and look forward to work with its members, and actively participate in Ecovis initiatives,” says RBMS managing partner Gonçalo Areia.
We warmly welcome our new colleagues from Portugal to the Ecovis family!
Contact us:
RBMS – Member of ECOVIS International
Avenida Duque de Ávila, n.º 66 – 5º1069-075 Lisbon
Phone: +351 210 131 660