E-Tax Vietnam: Launch of E-Portal And Tax Mobile App
Vietnam’s two new digitized tax administration platforms will help both foreign and local taxpayers meet their tax obligations.
On March 21, 2022 the Vietnam General Department of Taxation held an online conference to announce the launch of the e-Portal for foreign suppliers, as well as the implementation of a new tax application called E-Tax Mobile.
1. Electronic Portal for Foreign Suppliers
The e-Portal launch is a significant step for tax authorities to manage tax administration for cross-border digital commerce platforms when Circular No. 80/2021/TT-BTC takes effect from January 01, 2022. The e-Portal was developed with the following four key functions to help foreign suppliers, especially those who do not have a permanent establishment in Vietnam, to comply with tax laws in Vietnam:
- Tax registration;
- Tax filing;
- Search of information of tax payments;
- Search of information of tax declaration dossiers.
The website, https://etaxvn.gdt.gov.vn/, enables foreign providers to fulfill their tax obligations in Vietnam, regardless of where they are located. Accordingly, through the website, foreign suppliers will not only register, declare, and pay taxes in Vietnam but also learn about Vietnam’s tax regulations.
2. Implementation of E-Tax Mobile App
The General Department of Taxation has actively and continuously studied and supplemented various user-friendly approaches for taxpayers, especially for individuals and business households. With the introduction of E-tax Mobile – an electronic tax service application on mobile devices, the tax authorities aim to facilitate tax procedures.
The application provides taxpayers with the following main functions:
- Register to open an e-tax transaction account with the tax authority;
- Monitor tax obligations such as Personal Income Tax; Value Added Tax; Registration fee; Agricultural fee; Government fees, etc.;
- Pay tax payables via online integration with commercial bank systems;
- Search tax information, such as tax declaration dossier, tax finalization, taxpayer information, tax dependent information, etc.
Furthermore, this app allows users to pay their tax obligations through accounts opened at five banks – Vietcombank, BIDV, VietinBank, Agribank and MBBank.
For further information please contact:
Nghia Tran, Partner, ECOVIS AFA VIETNAM, Da Nang City, Vietnam
Email: Nghia.Tran@ecovis.com.vn
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Nghia Duong Tran
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