Legal services

Legal services

You want to see justice done – we should be happy to represent you.

In the world of paragraphs, opportunities and risks are only a hair’s breadth apart.
Unless you are well-versed in the limitations imposed and leeway allowed by our laws, it is difficult to stand your ground in the competitive world of business. Legal services are an essential component of any comprehensive consultancy package.
Our prime objective is always to try to reach a settlement before litigation becomes necessary. Should litigation, however, be unavoidable, our clients will be provided with sound legal counsel and proposals for practical solutions.

We offer

  • business and the law
    • commercial and corporate law
    • internal and external contractual matters
    • competition law, industrial property protection
    • management, executive and supervisory body
  • labour legislation
  • accounts receivable management
  • businesspeople and their families
    • domestic relations legislation
    • inheritance law
    • care legislation
  • businesses in times of financial crisis
    • advice on financial reorganisation
    • insolvency law
  • planning laws and building regulations
  • penal law and fines
    • law regarding fiscal offences
    • commercial law
    • penal traffic law
  • insurance matters
  • business succession
  • conduct of cases
    • appearance for the client before local, county and higher regional courts


You can reach us in our various locations or centrally in Berlin:

ECOVIS International
Bertha-Benz-Straße 5
10557 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30-31 00 08 55
Fax: +49 30-31 00 08 56