Craft and construction

Craft and construction

A strong partner for all cases

Both the Construction industry firms and the craft firms strongly depend on economic trends. If public commissions are missing and private building constructers restrain themselves it has an equal impact on the two branches of trade. Furthermore, the order situation of craft enterprises depends on the consumer’s behaviour.

Ecovis is able to free clients from either branch of any obligations with its interdisciplinary advisory approach, so that they can concentrate themselves on controlling the highs and lows of the economy. Legal questions concerning construction and the processing of projects are also clarified just like with controversial points about liability and warranty claims. Ofcourse we also find solutions if it is about the entrepreneur, for example questions about succession or inheritance.

On a business level we help the company through the profitability and liquidity planning and guide them through the financing of investments. We offer the complete service program in the field of tax consultation from finance bookkeeping to wages and salaries to consulting with fiscal audits.


You can reach us in our various locations or centrally in Berlin:

ECOVIS International
Bertha-Benz-Straße 5
10557 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30-31 00 08 55
Fax: +49 30-31 00 08 56