Art, sport and entertainment
As a soloist or lone fighter, as ensemble or team – strive for the highest level of performance and quality for professional self fulfilment. This challenging goal can only be accomplished through concentration on the cultural or sporty task combined with constant training and creative debates.
From this background it is very understandable, that the occupation with fiscal and social insurance details are felt as bureaucratic load, that diverts from the unfolding of skills. On the other hand, in no other field will one find such prickly questions, e.g. between those who are self-employed and those who are not, free-lance and commercial activity or between sales tax exemption and sales tax obligation. Mistakes can cost artists and athletes just as much as their employee or constituent.
As professional consultants and service providers we take care at a high quality level of fiscal, law and social insurance and contractual aspect as well as the subject of precaution and free the artists of any obligations.
You can reach us in our various locations or centrally in Berlin:
ECOVIS International
Bertha-Benz-Straße 5
10557 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30-31 00 08 55
Fax: +49 30-31 00 08 56